For Musicians and Producers Looking to Unlock Better Mixes With EQ

Install This Simple Plug and Play System That Makes EQ Fast, Easy, and Fun

...No Matter What Genre or Tracks You're Working With


Ditch the Fluff.

EQ Strategies - Your Ultimate Guide to EQ shows you exactly what to cut and where boost - regardless of the genre and instruments you’re working with. 

The guide is full of simple references and presets inside the Audio Issues EQ that you can quickly pull out like a cheatsheet for any track...

...Making EQ go from annoying to intuitive and easy - without the fluff.

Click Here to Become Confident With EQ

"An immediate and hugely practical understanding of the frequency spectrum and fantastic examples of positive and negative aspects of the key audio frequency bands as related to achieving better mixes. A superbly comprehensive and humorously written book by someone with lots of of a practical experience. I was a beta reader for the eBook and I liked the content so much I bought the full course!" - Alan Doyle, Recording Engineer, Sound Designer and Score Developer

Never Struggle With EQ Ever Again

If you've ever struggled with:

  • Muddy bass
  • Harsh high-end
  • Amateur mixes

…then I hear your pain.

But what if I told you that you only need one technique to make all those problems disappear?

And when you master this one thing, you'll start making clean and clear mixes with powerful bass and sparkling high-end. 

Here's the story of how I discovered the amazing power of this technique.

Back in 2006, I got my first audio job as a sound tech at a small venue called The Old Library.

As excited as I was for the job, it started off as a complete disaster.

You see, The Old Library had a terrible reputation for its sound. Bands would only play there as a last resort.

So I got thrown into the deep end and did NOT know how to swim...

With a lonely mixer with a four-band EQ, I made the most of the situation, twisting knobs, pushing faders, and trying to make the music sound good.

But EQ was like a foreign programming language that only professional engineers understood.

I had no idea how—or where—to boost or cut frequencies to improve the sound of my mixes.

So, I used the only method available to me:


Trial and Error!

Desperately twisting knobs back and forth in a dimly lit diver bar isn’t the best way to learn EQ. You can't even see what you're doing!

Sure, any time I tweaked the EQ, the mix changed.

Sometimes for the better.

But most of the time...for the worse.

The kick drum kept clashing with my bass guitar. The guitars drowned out the vocals. And my entire mix always sounded like a harsh, exhausting mess.

When I tamed the harshness in my mix, it usually ended up muddy instead.

But I kept at it, refusing to give up before I knew how it all worked.

I slowly learned that understanding frequencies was like learning the right chord progressions or finding the right scales to solo over a song.

After countless hours behind the mixing board, I realized something that would instantly improve my audio skills.


EQ is THE Most Important Tool for Making Better Mixes

Whether doing live sound, recording demos in your bedroom, or working on mixes in your home studio, EQ will help you make better music.

Forget about thin-sounding vocals, boomy bass, or harsh guitars! ​With the correct EQ moves, you can make every instrument sound exactly how you want it to.

  • EQ helps you create punchy low-end and sparkling highs
  • EQ helps you separate guitars and vocals so that you hear them distinctly in all their detail
  • EQ cleans up your low end and makes your kick drum and bass fill out the lows instead of clashing to create a muddy mix

When you know how to EQ, you know exactly where to find the frequencies destroying your mix.

I quickly learned to eliminate boominess and mud by controlling the low mids between 100 - 200 Hz.

I discovered a simple way to create space for the vocals in the high mids while keeping the rest of the arrangement clean and present.

By sculpting the frequencies of each track, I could create separation between my instruments and balance in my mixes with just my EQ!


It Was Like a Cheat Sheet for Making Great Mixes!

EQ helped me transform that music venue into an in-demand spot where all the coolest indie artists wanted to play.

But I wouldn't have been able to make those shows sound so great without my newly acquired knowledge of EQ.

Understanding EQ wasn’t a choice; it was necessary to make everything sound good.

Since then, I've mastered the frequency spectrum.

I've learned to wipe the mud off even the busiest mixes, leaving them clean, clear, and professional.


Do You Share My EQ Struggles?

If you've tried all the tips you've found on YouTube and bought into the hype of every new plug-in out there, but nothing's's NOT your fault.

If you struggle to create depth, balance, and separation in your mixes but don't know how to make your songs explode* from the speakers like your favorite records - you're not alone.

(*And by explode, I mean metaphorically and musically, not in a home studio insurance scam sorta way…)

 If you're like most of my students, you run into the same problems every time:

  • Your tracks squabble like siblings, and you can't separate them in the frequency spectrum
  • ​Your low end sounds so muddy that your bass and kick might as well sign up for the next Tough Mudder race
  • ​You don't know how to get your instruments to cut through the mix, so you add so much high-end that your dog serves you divorce papers

And most importantly, you can't get that big present vocal sound you hear from your favorite artists.

If that's the case, here's how you can finally fix your muddy mixes so your music sounds like your favorite records.

(Unless your favorite record is "Who Let the Dogs Out" by Baha Men, in which case, you're on your own).


You’re Walking a Tightrope

EQ’ing your mixes can feel frustrating:

  • When you boost the bass, your mix sounds muddy.
  • ​Whenever you add high-end, your mix sounds too harsh.

You don’t know how much you should boost, and you’re worried that you’re cutting the life out of your mix.

You’re trying to make your mix sound like you hear it in your head, but you're dangerously close to hearing voices instead.

You've tried all the techniques you've read about on blogs, watched on YouTube, or heard from your mom's dentist who can't stop talking about his new beats.

Some people tell you that you should only use subtractive EQ, even though you feel like boosting makes everything sound better.

And as you jump from one trick to another, the advice feels more contradictory.

You're scared of damaging your mix because you're never sure whether you're doing the right things to make your mixes clean and present.


“Can Somebody Tell Me the Sweet Spots Already?!?”

You wish somebody would tell you where to EQ your tracks so you can finish your mix and release your record.

Instead, they roll their eyes and tell you to "use your ears" when all you want is real, actionable advice. ​

But those audio engineers want to keep their secrets to themselves so they can sell you on their services, not realizing that they're being so unhelpful I'm not sure how anybody would hire them.

Even when you know you're making your mix sound better, you can't stop EQ'ing because you never know when you're done. It's like that scab they tell you won't ever heal if you don't stop scratching it.


So What's the Solution?

Magic jelly beans? Elven ears? A super soldier serum made from the DNA of last century's Grammy winners?

Not quite.

After 15+ years of working as an audio engineer, mixing live, studio, and broadcast sound, I realized that EQ could fix the biggest problems with people's mixes.

Understanding EQ is the key to making mixes that translate and sound great everywhere, so I created the #1 resource online for you to finally master the frequency spectrum and make better mixes.


EQ Strategies - Your Ultimate Guide to EQ

Follow This Program to Easily Create Separation Between Your Tracks and Balance in Your Mixes

  • EQ Strategies - Your Ultimate Guide to EQ ($47 Value): 100-page eBook with in-depth techniques on understanding EQ to create separation between your instruments and balance in your mixes. Reference these pages every time you're EQ'ing and you'll get better mixes in less time.
  • The Audio Issues Ultimate EQ Course ($97 Value): Gain the skills to quickly fix muddy mixes, reduce harshness, and create separation between instruments, making your music sound polished and radio-ready. This course is designed to give you the confidence and knowledge to use EQ like a pro, helping your tracks stand out and impress both listeners and industry professionals.

  • The Audio Issues EQ Plug-in ($79 Value) - Whether enhancing vocals, tightening the low end, or adding clarity to your instruments, this plug-in makes your tracks sound polished and professional. Say goodbye to confusing EQ tweaks and hello to intuitive, efficient mixing that makes your music stand out.
  • The Mid/Side EQ Secret to 3D Mixes Masterclass ($120 Value)—Discover how to easily use this little-known mid/side EQ technique to make your mixes sound more professional.
  • Exclusive Audio Issues EQ Starting Presets for Easy EQ'ing ($50 Value) - Instantly improve your mixes with our real-world EQ presets, designed to give you the perfect sound right out of the box.
  • EQ Starting Points You Can Use Right Away, With Any DAW Video Course ($99 Value) - Jumpstart your mixing process with our 11-part video course that shows you exactly when and how to use our EQ presets in any DAW.
  • How to Make Radio-Ready Records With Easy Mastering EQ Tricks ($50 Value) - This guide reveals simple EQ tricks to master your tracks, ensuring they sound great on any platform.

Total Value: $542

Normally $127

Special Offer Only Available on This Page: 

Only $97!

Click Here to Become Confident With EQ

"Gave me a sense of how essential EQ'ing is"

"The EQ Course was eye-opening in many ways. Having had no previous information on mixing, the course really gave me a sense of how essential EQ'ing is to the process. It helped me take my mixes from muddy and boomy to fairly clear and definitely helped me get some punch into kicks and basses. Some really basic things that I hadn't even considered, which really changed the way I approach music: like EQ'ing the reverb and delay effects themselves to avoid conflicts on different frequencies. it does an effective job of squeezing much information into little time, and the formulations are clear and pedagogical. The amount of useful information I gained from the course was impressive, and I am extremely grateful for having been given these gems!"

- Maximillian

"really did make a noticeable difference"

"The impression I got from the course is that you are one of the rare few who has both the ability to understand complex technical concepts and the ability to effectively communicate them in common, everyday language. A few of the tips I got from the course really did make a noticeable difference in a couple of projects I am working on. The course gave me a good sense of your style and the fact that there so much useful information for free led me to believe that the stuff you have to pay for must be really great (which I later found to be true)...I am very impressed with everything. The quality of the material is fantastic, and the publications are beautiful. The graphics, the layout, and the videos are all very impressive...and I am really excited about learning."

- David Cox

Here's What You'll Discover Inside EQ Strategies - Your Ultimate Guide to EQ

  • Finally, understand how EQ works and where you can find all the frequency problems you encounter in your mixes (pg. 11)
  • Should you use a paid EQ plug-in or stick to your stock channel EQ? This will set you straight (pg. 15)
  • Discover all the EQ Vocabulary you need to know, what all the EQ jargon means, and where to find “buzzword frequencies” like muddiness, boxiness, boominess, harshness, and the like (pg. 18)
  • Here’s the quick and easy to-get-rid-of muddy mixes - it works so well you’ll swear it was voodoo! (pg. 20)
  • You’ll discover 3 deceptively simple ways to instantly improve your EQ skills (pg. 16)

  • Discover where all the pleasant frequencies are and where you should boost your tracks for better mixes (pg. 33)
  • Should you use EQ or compression first? The devil is in the technical details (pg. 35)

  • Learn the difference between subtractive and additive EQ and how much you can really boost a frequency without breaking your mix (pg. 44)

  • How to use this simple EQ tool to create cleaner mixes (pg. 40)

  • See this page to find out what one thing you MUST do before you even think about using your EQ plug-ins! (pg. 33)

  • The inverse relationship between the amount of tracks in your mix and how much EQ you need (pg. 39)
  • What difference do filter slopes make, and how do you choose between them? (pg. 43)

  • The importance of subtractive EQ to fix annoying resonant frequencies from home recordings (pg. 44)

  • You’ll discover the ridiculously easy to get find where your tracks are clashing - even if you can’t hear it yet!
  • In-depth EQ techniques to mix killer drums, like using filters to reduce bleed on drums to create a tighter drum sound (pg. 47)

  • How to EQ kick drums to get rid of muddy resonances while keeping them thick and punchy (pg. 48)

  • How to mix thick and punchy snare drums with EQ (pg. 51)

  • How to make your toms sound massive with three simple EQ tweaks (pg. 52)

  • How to get rid of harsh cymbals so that your overheads sound smooth and big (pg. 55)

  • How to EQ drum samples and loops when you don't know if they're good enough straight from the sample pack (pg. 57)

  • How to EQ percussion to fit with the drums in your mix (pg. 57)

  • How to EQ a bass that doesn't clutter up the low-end and add unnecessary boominess to your mix (pg. 60)

  • Using little-known harmonic secrets to EQ the bass guitar to cut through the mix without cluttering up the low-end (pg. 63)

  • An in-depth, step-by-step guide on making your kick drum and bass guitar fit together for a thicker and more solid low-end (pg. 64)

  • How to EQ groups of both acoustic and electric guitars to give each one their own space in the frequency spectrum (pg. 68)

  • How to EQ the acoustic guitar (and other acoustic string instruments) (pg. 69)

  • How to get rid of the "cheap-o" string sound from acoustic guitars that make them sound brittle and harsh instead of brilliant and big (pg. 68)

  • How to make pianos, keyboards, horns and strings "pop" with body and air (pg. 75)

  • How to approach EQ'ing synthesizers to make them cut through the mix without getting in the way of the rest of the arrangement (pg. 76)

  • How to EQ brass instruments like saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and flutes (pg. 77)

  • How to EQ orchestral instruments - discover where to bring out the thickness of the cellos, the lushness of the violas, and the air of the violins. (pg. 79)

  •  How to make your vocals cut through the mix with presence and power (pg. 81)

  • How to eliminate vocal muddiness with EQ (pg. 82)

  •  The six frequency areas you must know to get a pro-sounding vocal (pg. 83)

  • How to find where the instruments are clashing with the vocal (pg. 84)

  •  How to get rid of that annoying nasal sound that makes your singer sound like they have a cold (pg. 83)

  • Struggling to get rid of sibilance? Focus your EQ cuts on this frequency area first (pg. 83) 

  •  Why separation in your vocals isn't always the right move (pg. 87)

  • How to EQ the mix together and get a good balance of all the instruments without making your mix a muddy mess (pg. 88)

  •  How to add character and sweetening to the mix with EQ (pg. 92)

  • How to get clarity in the low end without losing weight in your mixes (pg. 89)

  •  How to use EQ to get your mixes to translate to every speaker system (pg. 94)

In short, you’ll discover how to use the closely guarded secrets of Grammy-winning mixing engineers to quickly and easily make awesome home studio mixes.

Get Your Ultimate Guide to EQ Now

Here's What You'll Find Inside the Ultimate Audio Issues EQ Video Course

Kickstart your EQ mastery with the 3 basic principles of great EQ’ing

See this video to discover what all the buttons on your EQ do and how they will help you create clear mixes

At last! The entire frequency spectrum simplified! 

Discover what every frequency sounds like and where to focus your EQ'ing to add polish to your mixes

Revealed: Why these negative frequencies will destroy your mix

Avoid these frequencies if you want professional mixes - and focus on this instead

Where should you boost your tracks for better mixes?

Here’s where professional mixing engineers add weight, warmth, presence, and air to make their mixes stand out!

Here’s how to get balanced mixes - without using EQ

You’ll find out the surprisingly easy way to create balanced mixes, without even touching an EQ plug-in!

The reverse-EQ method for getting rid of clashing instruments

Here’s a sneaky little trick you can use to immediately create space for your vocals in the mix

The #1 method for creating separation between your tracks

The simple seek & destroy system for making all of your instruments fit together in a busy mix

This unappreciated tool helps you spot EQ problems

You’ll discover the ridiculously easy to get find where your tracks are clashing - even if you can’t hear it yet!

EQ before or after compression?

See this video to hear how your EQ moves drastically change based on how you compress your tracks

The real secret to EQ’ing for small speakers

Almost everyone gets this wrong! This often-overlooked idea will make your bass cut through on small speakers

How to Add Weight, Body, and Presence to Guitars

Easily make your guitars cut through the mix without getting in the way of the vocals

Get better drum sounds with EQ

Powerful drum mixes are possible - but only when you know these frequency areas to make your drums punch through

How to balance busy mixes with EQ

You’ll discover how to almost instantly get mixes that translate - even if you don’t have expensive speakers, room correction software, or premium plug-ins

"Immediate and impressive"

"The format helped me solidify the basics very quickly. I sampled a few sessions with the concepts and found an immediate and pronounced improvement. Full of tips that are immediately useful...the initial results are immediate and impressive....thanks."

-Dave Michaels

"Helping me immensely!"

"The Ultimate EQ Guide is helping me immensely! I am new to mixing but have been in many studios as a recording musician. It's helping me clean up muddy mixes and get more punch out of my recordings. I highly recommend it!"

-Mo Mataquin

"All Very Helpful"

"I like the specific EQ tips for each instrument. They're all very helpful and I learned quite a few new things: bass harmonics, how to make the beaters pop on kick drums, adding more punch to snare drums, and tips to make guitars sit better in the mix (which also works for lead synths)."

-Joseph Litherland

But That's NOT All I Want to Send You Today

I will also give you instant access to five exclusive bonuses that will help you easily master your EQ skills so you can easily make radio-ready mixes from your home studio.

Bonus #1 - The Audio Issues EQ Plug-in

Total Value $79 - Included!

Not only am I going to send you the best EQ training you'll find on the internet, but I'll also throw in my proprietary EQ plug-in for FREE!

Use this plug-in for all your EQ needs and you'll learn how to EQ as you're using it.

The Audio Issues EQ translates the complex frequency spectrum into a language you can easily understand.

(The Audio Issues plug-in works for (Windows (64 bit only): VST3, AAX - macOS 10.12 or later (64 bit only): VST3, AU, AAX)


Bonus #2 - The Mid/Side EQ Secret to 3D Mixes

Total Value $120 - Included!


Unlock the Secret to Wide, Three-Dimensional Mixes with Mid/Side EQ

In this masterclass, I break down mid/side EQ in simple terms so you can confidently use it to enhance your mixes.

Learn how to tighten your low-end, separate your tracks, and add width for a rich, three-dimensional sound.

I’ll explain the difference between mid/side and stereo EQ using real-world examples, helping you create professional, modern mixes easily.


Bonus #3 - Exclusive Audio Issues EQ Starting Presets for Easy EQ'ing

Total Value $50 - Included!

Get a library of special presets pre-loaded inside the Audio Issues EQ with the best starting points for all the most common tracks in modern music.

Unlike the random presets in other plug-ins, our presets give you the perfect starting points for your desired sound.

Whenever a track doesn't sound quite right, use one of our presets tailored to match it and save time and frustration. These presets will help you achieve your ideal mix quickly and easily.

Bonus #4 - EQ Starting Points You Can Use Right Away, With Any DAW Video Course

Total Value $99 - Included!

11-part video course that helps you understand when and how to use the presets in the Audio Issues EQ.

You'll discover the simple starting points to clean up your low-end, eliminate mud, and tame the harshness in your mixes.

You'll receive the exact frequency ranges to focus on for more warmth, weight, presence, and brilliance in your tracks.

You'll be able to use my go-to guidelines for EQ'ing every instrument in your mix so that your can effortlessly EQ mixes that sound like your favorite records.

Bonus #5 - How to Make Radio-Ready Records With Easy Mastering EQ Tricks

Total Value $49 - Included!

Follow our key checklist for mastering EQ, learn how to use metering tools for accurate frequency analysis, and discover the subtle secrets of EQ in mastering.

This quick-start guide will help you confidently EQ your mix and master bus with precision.

Yes! I Want to Become Confident With EQ

Imagine: Easy EQ'ing In a Matter of Days

I spent 10+ years learning about EQ, but you can master the frequency spectrum in only a fraction of the time.

EQ doesn't have to be a mystery. You've seen how many of my students have instantly improved their mixes by using my EQ knowledge.

And I've shown you how powerful EQ is to solve many of your biggest mixing problems.

Of course, you can still learn about EQ the old-fashioned way with trial and error, spending years figuring out what each part of the frequency spectrum sounds like.

But wouldn't it be easier if you received all the shortcuts immediately?

Once you master the frequency spectrum, you'll know exactly where your instruments are clashing, making any EQ problem easy to fix.

Once you master EQ, you can create space and separation between all the instruments in your mix. 

  • ​You no longer need to worry about muddy mixes because you'll know how to clean up your low-mids.
  • ​You don't need to worry about a boxy drum sound because you know exactly how to EQ your drums to make them sound smoother.
  • ​You don't need to be scared about whether you're adding too much high-end harshness because you'll know exactly how to tame your high-mids.

So if you want to master the art of EQ'ing, look no further.

I'm able to get a clean and tight low end on this song I'm working on. I cut some of the mud out of the kick and bass, then I let the kick have a little extra 50 Hz and added a little bit around 800 Hz on the bass guitar. That made the low end clear and punchy. This is a great guide to get things moving in the right direction!!! Thank You!!!!"

- Jeff Smith, Mixing Engineer

"An immediate and hugely practical understanding of the frequency spectrum and fantastic examples of positive and negative aspects of the key audio frequency bands as related to achieving better mixes.

- Alan Doyle, Recording Engineer, Sound Designer and Score Developer

"I felt like my mixes were lacking in the middle frequencies and the frequency analyzer showed me this. With the EQ, I was able to find frequencies in this area using your Reverse-EQ Method. This EQ, along with the books will help even seasoned engineers to learn new methods and reinforce their knowledge."

-Aaron Adams

Frequently Asked Questions

Have other questions? No problem! Just email [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

The 365-Day Iron-Clad Audio Issues 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee

As with all of the Audio Issues products, EQ Strategies - Your Ultimate Guide to EQ comes with a 100% risk-free money-back guarantee.

I promise that following the workflow inside my training will help you create more professional mixes from your home studio. After going through my guide, you'll know exactly what to do to create separation and balance in your mixes so you can hear all of your instruments and tracks clearly.

There is a reason my students have told me that my training has "instantly improved their mixes." Your fans will love the new professional sounds you're releasing, and you'll impress every new client that comes to your studio because you'll easily show them how good you can make them sound.

You can even read the materials and watch the videos before you decide. You can try all the tricks and keep the training for a full year before deciding whether you like them or not. If at any point you decide that my training didn't skyrocket the quality of your productions, simply email me for a full refund, no questions asked or strings attached!

I take my guarantee very seriously. I am not interested in keeping your money if you do not get any value from what I'm creating for you.

So if you’re not happy, I’m not happy.

No Boring Theory, Just Practical EQ Training Guaranteed to Help You Create Awesome Mixes From Your Home Studio 

  • EQ Strategies - Your Ultimate Guide to EQ eBook ($47 Value)
  • The Audio Issues Ultimate EQ Video Course ($97 Value)
  • The Audio Issues EQ Plug-in ($79 Value)
  • The Mid/Side EQ Secret to 3D Mixes Masterclass ($120 Value)
  • Exclusive Audio Issues EQ Starting Presets for Easy EQ'ing ($50 Value)
  • EQ Starting Points You Can Use Right Away, With Any DAW Video Course ($99 Value)
  • How to Make Radio-Ready Records With Easy Mastering EQ Tricks ($50 Value)

Total Value: $542

Normally $127

Special Limited-Time Offer Only Available on This Page: 

Only $97!

Become Confident With EQ


If you scrolled aaaaaaaaall the way to the bottom and missed my life story and battle with the Big Bad Boss of the Frequency Spectrum (I worked hard on this y'know!) let me share the cliff notes with you:

  • My first job was in live sound and I quickly learned how EQ is the key to making your music sound better.
  • After 15+ years of working as an audio engineer doing live, broadcast, and studio recording, I devoured everything I could learn about EQ and the frequency spectrum.
  • I created the #1 resource on the internet called EQ Strategies - Your Ultimate Guide to EQ that helps musicians and producers master the frequency spectrum so that they can use EQ to make professional-sounding mixes from their home studios.
  • This ultimate guide is worth over $500 and normally sells for $127 on my website. However, for a limited time, you can purchase it through this page for only $97 and get the entire EQ Strategies package, my Audio Issues EQ plug-in, and all the extra bonuses.

EQ Strategies - Your Ultimate Guide to EQ and the Audio Issues EQ is the stuff I wish I had when I was starting out. I'm excited to share it with you today so you can fix your muddy mixes, remove the harshness from your high-end, and add that professional sheen to make your mixes radio-ready and release-worthy.

About Your Instructor

Björgvin Benediktsson is an Icelandic-American author, audio educator, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of where he has taught thousands of musicians and producers how to make a bigger impact with their music. Björgvin has been an audio engineer since 2006 and has worked with hundreds of artists as an audio engineer, mentor, and educator.

He is the author of multiple books, including the best-selling book Step By Step Mixing which simplifies complex audio jargon and transforms insecure musicians into confident mixing engineers. He has written over 1,000 articles on audio production and his training has been featured in publications such as MusicTech magazine, The Huffington Post, The Recording Revolution, SAE Institute, and Audiotuts+ to name a few.

As the founder of Audio Issues, Björgvin helps home studio musicians and project studio producers make a greater musical impact in their lives by teaching them the skills needed to grow their hobbies and careers. We do this by offering simple and practical music production and success skills they can use right away to level themselves up - while rejecting negativity and gear-shaming from the industry.

When he's not helping entrepreneurs, audio engineers, and other creatives, he likes to hang out with his wife, daughter, and dog in Tucson, AZ, play video games, and read comic books.

Yes! I Want to Become Confident With EQ