For Musicians, Producers, and Creatives Who Want to Raise Their Online Business Game


Transform Your CreativeĀ Passion Into a Profitable Online Career


Uncover the Simple System to Monetize Your Skills, Grow Your Income, and Achieve Creative Freedom Online

I Help Musicians, Producers, and Other Creatives:


  • Create a personal brand that helps you become an authority and influencer in your field
  • Design an authentic online presence and a portfolio that builds a following of customers, clients, or fans, without feeling like you're a "sell-out" online marketer
  • Diversify and increase your income with an online business strategy of digital products, which helps you break past the six-figure mark and beyond, giving you additional freedom and money
  • Develop a content marketing strategy that uses your creative work to establish credibility in order to gain clients and work in the industry. 
  • Establish the mindset and motivation you need to succeed through accountability and support to keep your momentum going

It's Time to Make an Impact 

Hi, I'm Björgvin Benediktsson, Icelander, Musician, Audio Engineer, and Founder of Audio Issues.

I’m the author of the #1 Amazon best-seller, Step By Step Mixing: How to Create Great Mixes Using Only 5 Plug-ins, the business parable, You Get What You Give: A Simple Story for Finding Success in the Music Business, and the creator of the Audio Issues EQ plug-in.

I'm originally from Iceland, but I've lived in the United States since 2009. I've worked as a live sound engineer, a broadcast recording engineer, a professional touring musician, and a freelance mixing and mastering engineer. Since 2009 I've been helping musicians and producers like you make a bigger impact with their music and career.

I've run my own profitable businesses for 10+ years and I serve as a venture advisor in the New Venture Development program at the McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Arizona (the #9 public-ranked entrepreneurship program in the United States).

I have also been a coach and mentor to multiple businesses, both as a marketing strategist and a guest speaker for Phoenix Startup Week, SAE Insitute Madrid, and the TENWEST Impact Festival. My advice has been featured in publications such as MusicTech magazine, Startup Tucson, The Huffington Post, CD Baby's DIY Musician's Blog, Audiotuts, and the SAE Institute.

 Looking forward to helping you go pro!


Audio Issues Has Been Proudly Featured On:

" first online course launch wouldn't have been the same without him. That course sold over $14,000 in the first couple weeks."

"With his online business experience and achievements, Björgvin has been a real model to follow. The content he provides is phenomenal and helps me a lot by giving me ideas and direction on how to organize, monetize and implement my online platform as an artist and entrepreneur. He helped me tweak the sales page copy for my first online course launch I did via email and it wouldn't have been the same without him. That course sold over $14,000 in the first couple weeks."

-Chris Selim, Creator of Mixdown Online and The Ultimate Guide to Cubase. Montreal, Canada

"tens of thousands of dollars in extra business just from random people that had forgotten about me. It was weird how it instantly worked!"

"Like most audio engineers, I tend to be a little more audio-nerd than entrepreneur. Because of this, I frequently have "small business blind spots" which Björgvin has helped me to see and overcome. When he speaks, I take notes. His advice on writing and email marketing has dramatically changed my business. I don’t think anyone has anywhere near as much experience as he does...You have had a huge impact on me learning how to write decent emails and the benefit to my business was just bananas. It was tens of thousands of dollars in extra business just from random people that had forgotten about me. It was weird how it instantly worked!"ā€‹

-Chris Graham, Mastering Engineer and Co-Host of the Six Figure Creative Podcast. Columbus, Ohio


"I was unsure about how to take the next step...he helped me get clarity, develop my voice, and has helped me get a consistent income" -Alex Joyal


"Bjorgvin’s coaching has brought in an additional $25k+ in course revenue" -Lij Shaw



Eric L'Esperance - Musician Turned Pro Producer

Audio Issues Student Interviews
Eric L'Esperance - Ash & Eric

When Eric became a coaching client, he wasn't sure about his skills but he didn't want to keep paying for expensive studio time because he wanted total control over his music. Since building his home studio, he has recorded and released songs for The Promise is Hope, Ash & Eric, as well as for other local musicians in the Worcester area, making a name for himself as Eric "The Harvester" L'Esperance over at Harvest Root Recording.

“Our listeners have been sending us messages about the tune, and are gushing on the song. So many folks are talking about how beautiful it sounds. I know that the work we did recording and arranging played a large part, but your mixing/mastering job was the icing on the cake. Thanks again for selecting the tune. "Simon, Taylor, Denver, Cash" is our best single release ever. That was the first song I ever recorded myself, and along with that came a whole bunch of doubt. I just didn’t know if I was capable of recording quality enough tracks on my own. Hearing your mix come back sounding professional and legit gave me the confidence to continue investing in this journey. This has been a dream of mine for several years, and your role has encouraged me in a deeply meaningful way. Your mentorship has been instrumental and hugely impactful and I know our future albums will have your thumbprint all over them."


From the Soul-Crushing 9-5 to Full-Time Freedom

Audio Issues Student Interviews
Tim Mann - Woodlands Lane Mixing and Mastering

Tim has improved his mixing and mastering skills to the point of gaining considerable recognition for his work in alternative hip hop, LoFI and EDM and he managed to quit his day job of 35 years to start his own studio business, becoming a full-time mixing and mastering engineer. He works out of his studio at Woodlands Lane Mixing and Mastering.


From Fullsail University to Audio Issues

Audio Issues Student Interviews
John Owings - 3003 Sound

John was a touring musician before his band was dropped by their label. He went to Fullsail University to pursue his passion for audio production where his professors used my materials from Audio Issues to complement their teaching. He shared with me how the personal attention and coaching he got from us has helped level up his skills and enabled him to create a side income from his studio skills and now he offers high-quality recording and mixing for independent bands over at 3003 Sound.


Gina LaMonte - No Knowledge to Pro Records

Audio Issues Student Interviews
Gina "Mama Gina" LaMonte

Gina came to us when the world shut down during COVID and she had to learn how to record, mix, and release her music on her own. She didn't think she had the ear to do it herself but through our programs, she discovered how to take her music to the next level. Take a listen to her interview to hear why she thought investing in our materials was "without a doubt the best investment she made."

"Without your support, I would have never dared to publish songs."

"I’ve tried to follow all your advice and tips throughout the whole recording and mixing process. It was you who really encouraged me to make the final step and release songs at last. I’ve gained much more confidence in my audio skills by attending your courses, reading your books, and watching your videos. Thanks a lot!!!"

-Michael Schu, Home Studio Musician, Germany

" to define my customer archetype was very valuable."

"Learning from Björgvin how to define my customer archetype was very valuable. It allowed me to create a lead magnet that has increased my subscriber rate. Taking this course has also allowed me to set up an email funnel that allows me to learn more about the people subscribing. Which is super valuable to me and them. With these tools I’m now on the right course to be able to release a product in the future.”

-Niclas Jeppssen, Professional Audio Engineer and Podcaster Behind Your Audio Solutions, U.K.

Is My Coaching Right For You?


I help musicians, songwriters, composers, lyricists, producers, audio engineers, and other content creators who want to make a career out of their creative skills, increase their online presence to attract more fans and clients, diversify their income streams with digital products and succeed with their business online.

I can only help dedicated individuals who understand that great things come to those who invest in their own skills and are willing to put in the time and effort to reach their goals and succeed with their music. My coaching is not for everyone but if you are a good fit to succeed with my help, I look forward to taking you to the next level of your career. 


Book a 1-on-1 Action Call Below to Get Started


Not ready to book a call but want to learn more about business and career success? Read my book, You Get What You Give: A Simple Story for Finding Success in the Music Business for free right here.