How To Mix Amazing Music Using the 5 Plug-ins You Already Have

(Even if You Don't Have a Pro Studio)


Discover the Proven Step By Step Mixing Process That's Helped Thousands of Musicians Make Amazing Mixes From Their Home Studios

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Yes! I Want to Use the Step By Step Mixing Process for Better Mixes in Less Time!

Let Me Ask You...

  • Do you fight to make all your instruments and tracks fit together in a busy mix?
  • Do you struggle to make your tracks punchy and tight with?
  • Does your mix sound washed out and cluttered because you're using the wrong reverbs?
  • Do you get confused by saturation and how to use it to get a warmer-sounding mix?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, don't worry - You're not alone.

Let me tell you, I had no clue when I first started mixing.

I thought mixing was supposed to be fun and cool but I just felt intimidated.

All I did was randomly insert plug-ins and processors on every track, then shrug my shoulders because I couldn't really figure out how anything worked.

No matter what I did I couldn't make it sound better.

The songs changed when I played with the plug-ins, but I didn't know where I was going with the mix.

There was no balance to the instruments and the vocals sounded glued on and fake.  

The low-end was boomy, the drums sounded boxy and the balance was always either too harsh or too muddy.

Put Simply, my Mixes Screamed: "Amateur!" because the truth is...
  • If you have no plan of action...
  • No concrete steps...
  • Or an idea of where you're going with your mixes...
You'll mix in circles, never getting to a final, finished record.

I honestly didn't understand what to listen for so I kept randomly putting plug-ins on tracks, tweaking presets that didn't fit, and selecting inappropriate effects that weren't suitable for the song.

15 years later, after countless hours in the studio, I've created a fool-proof process for creating pro mixes.

And once I figured it out, mixing became fun!

I know how to create separation and balance with EQ.

I know what buttons to push on my compressor to make my mixes tight and loud.

I use reverb and delay to create space and depth that makes the mix sound pro.

My vocals sound better than ever because I know how to recognize and eliminate problematic frequencies, add some secret sauce with saturation and blend the vocals into the mix so they don't feel stuck on top.

Throughout my learning process, I realized that the plug-ins I kept coming back to when I needed to make the mix sound open and dynamic were these five processors.

  1. EQ
  2. Compression
  3. Reverb
  4. Delay
  5. Saturation

Now that I've learned how to master these five plug-ins, I'm paying it forward to musicians and producers like yourself so that you can use my techniques (and avoid my mistakes) to instantly improve your mixes - without buying more plug-ins, wasting time on Youtube or spending thousands of dollars on audio school.

My mixing techniques have helped thousands of musicians and producers gain the confidence and skills to make professional mixes they can be proud of.

They've used their mixing skills to successfully release their own records and get paying audio gigs from their home studios.

So if you're exhausted with your trial and error mix process that keeps you second-guessing yourself about whether your music sounds any good. 

...If you're tired of individual tricks and wished you had a clear set of instructions on how to make your mixes sound like the professional records you love so much.

..If you just want a clear A - Z process to make awesome mixes, then Step By Step Mixing is your clear, concise, and complete reference guide to level up your mixes from your home studio.

Real Results from Musicians and Producers Who Have Used the Step-By-Step Mixing Process to Create Amazing Mixes in Any Genre

Get The Complete Step By Step Mixing Guide for Mixing Release-Ready Records

Step By Step Mixing has helped thousands of musicians, producers, and engineers improve their mixing skills.

Whether you're working on demos for your band or mixing records for your clients, Step By Step Mixing will help you transform your rough recordings into professionally produced mixes you'll be proud to release.

Over 20,000 Copies Sold
100% Better Mixes Guaranteed
  • Simplify your mixing process to create better mixes in less time
  • Understand EQ so you can make all your tracks fit in a busy mix
  • Discover how to hear and use your compressors to create punchy and tight mixes
  • Add space and depth to your mixes with reverb and delay without making your mix sound washed out.
  • Use the saturation secrets all the pros use to make your mixes stand out (without distorting or destroying your songs)

Once you've mastered the 5 plug-in process, you’ll be ready to make a killer mix in your home studio, whether working on your band’s demos or mixing records for your friends and clients.

The Step By Step Mixing digital bundle includes the PDF, Kindle, and audiobook versions.

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YES! I Want the Step By Step Mixing Method

Here's What You'll Discover Inside the Step By Step Mixing System

  • How to set up your session for a faster workflow so your mix is done sooner. If you want to use processing like bus compression effectively this is the prep work you need to follow (Pg. 5)
  • ā€‹How to mix with headphones if you don't have studio monitors or need to keep quiet in your studio, without sacrificing the quality of your mixes (Pg. 120)
  • ā€‹Learn to use busses and groups to make your mixing easier so you can get great balance and a solid rough mix faster than ever (Pg. 18)
  • ā€‹The two-step process you need to tighten up guitars while making them cut through the mix, using my low-pass filter and bell boost trick (Pg. 31)
  • ā€‹The underused frequency area where you can bring out the character of the keyboards without masking the rest of the instruments in your mix (Pg. 41)
  • ā€‹How to use a shelving EQ to get rid of vocal muddiness and how to EQ a vocal-heavy song so that the backup vocals don't overpower the lead vocals (Pg. 32)
  • ā€‹The most important, but overlooked aspect of using EQ to rebalance your mix to hear the separation between all the instruments in your song (Pg. 43)
  • ā€‹How to keep the mid-range in check so you don't get boxy kick drums, honky guitars, muddy bass or nasally vocals (Pg. 113)
  • ā€‹Take the guesswork out of EQ with over a whole chapter of different tips on exactly when and why you should cut and boost each instrument (Pg. 25)
  • ā€‹The two most important knobs on your compressor and how they affect the entire sound of your tracks (Pg. 49)
  • ā€‹How to use full-band AND multi-band compression effectively - and knowing why you should be using it in the first place (Pg. 62)
  • ā€‹The sneaky way to use presets to speed up your mixing while still tweaking them for the best results (Pg. 54)
  • ā€‹How to know which compressor emulation to use on each instrument. If you've wondered about the difference between VCA, FET, or OPTO you'll know EXACTLY when to use which one (Pg. 51)
  • ā€‹The easy way to add an all-around reverb to instantly create space in your mix (Pg. 72)
  • ā€‹Do you make these mistakes when creating separation between electric and acoustic guitars? Learn how to separate acoustic and electric guitars with different reverbs based on what they're playing (Pg. 83)
  • ā€‹How to use modulated stereo delays to to keyboards. This subtle trick will add depth to your keyboards without cluttering up the rest of the mix (Pg. 91)
  • ā€‹How to place backup vocals behind the lead using reverb and delay (pg. 89)
  • ā€‹The incredibly important aspect of how and why to EQ your reverbs for a cleaner mix (Pg. 80)
  • ā€‹When to use mono instead of stereo delays and how to blend separate reverbs together in a mix (Pg. 91)
  • ā€‹Your step-by-step approach to knowing whether or not you should use saturation on a track (Pg. 101)
  • ā€‹How to give your kick drum more low-end more thickness and weight (Pg. 102)
  • ā€‹How to use multi-band saturation to give your snare drum more bite to cut through a busy mix (Pg. 104)
  • ā€‹How to use parallel saturation to create subtle thickness and warmth (Pg. 102)
  • ā€‹How to add warm tape emulation to bring out the acoustic guitars in your mix (Pg. 103)
  • ā€‹How to use saturation to dirty up your keyboard patch to make it more interesting (Pg. 105)
  • ā€‹Your easy process to find which saturation plug-in is the best to use to make your tracks stand out (Pg. 107)
  • ā€‹How to check your mixes on multiple systems and what to look out for so that they translate everywhere. (Pg. 109)
  • ā€‹How to fix mix translation issues when your mix sounds like it has a blanket over it (Pg. 114)
  • How to use a reference mix to make your songs compare to professional mixes (Pg. 109)
  • ā€‹How to choose the right reference mix for your song (Pg. 110)
  • ā€‹The 7-step process for making your mixes translate to every speaker system (Pg. 117)

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Get the Step By Step Mixing Method Today and You'll Get These Exclusive Bonuses for FREE!

Better Mixes in Less Time: The Productivity Playbook for Mixing Engineers ($7 Value)

  • Don't tweak your mix forever. Save time and money through my proven productivity system so you can finish mixes in two hours that used to take you eight
  • How to make time for mixing music when you have a busy schedule
  • The power of deliberate and deep practice, even if you only have 25 minutes to spare
  • How to use a mixing template to speed up the mixing process and eliminate distractions from too many plug-ins
  • How to use the Pomodoro System to boost your productivity while you're mixing
  • How to prepare for a mixing session and knowing what to do when you start the mixing process
  • My 9-step process for taking a mix from a rough recording to a finished song

5 Plug-in Mix Quickstart Masterclass ($49 Value)

Get more mixing information in 30 minutes than you would wasting 30 hours going down a Youtube rabbit hole.

This exclusive 2-part video workshop shows you exactly how to use EQ, compression, reverb, delay, and saturation to make amazing mixes from your home studio.

  • How to get rid of muddiness, reduce boom and add presence and sparkle to a mix using JUST EQ
  • Take the guesswork out of EQ and follow along so you know exactly when and why you should cut and boost each instrument
  • How to use every button on your compressor to effectively add punch and power to your mix
  • How to apply compression to your tracks, your submixes, your master bus, and in parallel for the best results
  • How to use serial compression to get incredible in-your-face vocals that sit in the mix
  • How to add depth, space, and power with reverb, delay, and parallel processing
  • How to use saturation to add warmth to your mixes and make your tracks sit together smoothly 

Step By Step Mix Translation Masterclass ($27 Value)

Follow the 7-step process to get your songs sounding awesome on any speaker without needing to buy expensive equipment.

Most home studio musicians ignore these simple steps and stay cursed with boomy low end and muddy mixes.

In this masterclass, you'll discover how to check your mixes on multiple systems and what to look out for so that they translate everywhere you play them.

Click Here to Get Started With the Step By Step Mixing System

Step By Step Mixing Has Helped Thousands of Home Studio Musicians and Bedroom Producers Make a Bigger Impact In Their Music Career

"Step by by step Mixing is an easy to follow guide on mixing music."

"Whether you have some experience or none it with help you a lot. First it shows you how to listen to music and to pay attention to the small details.  The books explains a lot how to move the faders in a way that everything is balanced. Then it goes in depth into EQ, compressor, reverb, delay and saturation. It is the second book I've read on mixing and I highly recommend this book."

-Jose Rivera

"Spot-on mixing guide that will give you great results in your mix."

"I use this for myself and with students in the Music Technology A Level and Music Practitioners RSL (like a L3 BTEC) courses I teach. I've found it to be VERY readable, accurate, easy to follow and apply and my students find it really useful. It is not overly long but is very practical and Bjorgvin clearly knows his stuff. Highly recommended for live and studio mixing of audio on both professional and academic levels."


"Within a few weeks, my approach to mixing changed from being overwhelmed to having fun"

"As a rookie home producer I finally found Audio Issues offering this fantastic guide that gave all the bits and pieces, that I gathered from the internet, a context and an easy-to-understand explanations. Björgvin encourages its readers with practical tips to try and experiment, rather than just reading. His material I recommend for beginner and experienced enthusiasts!"

-Arjan van Wijk

Plus: Extra Bonuses To Take Your Music to the Next Level

Bonus Q&A: Interview With Veteran Mastering Engineer Ian Shepherd ($120 Value)

Get exclusive access to one of our Expert Interviews normally only available to our Insiders.

During this interview you'll learn:

  • What to think about when you master your mixes from your home studio
  • How to approach multi-band compression during mastering
  • How to set the threshold on your limiter
  • How to make your master louder while keeping the mix dynamic
  • How to know when to use EQ during mixing vs mastering
  • How to master for different formats like broadcast radio and sync libraries

Bonus Mixing Resources to Help You Succeed

  • Vocal Production Checklist: 47 Things to Do When Producing Vocals
  • Links to over 100 multi-tracks to practice your mixes
  • An in-depth EQ chart of the entire frequency spectrum so you can create separation between your instruments and balance in your mixes

Bonus Masterclass: 70 Ways to Monetize Your Music Career ($97 Value)

With your music and audio skills, you're practically sitting on a gold mine with your studio.

If you don't have an idea of how you can start generating income from your audio and music skills, this bonus is for you. In 70 Ways to Monetize Your Music Career, I'll show you how to use your musical skills to expand your expertise and income.

  • How to make money playing live. Lay the groundwork for finding more gigs. If you play live shows then you will learn how to use your live gigs to make more money
  • 11 ways to make money online. If you want to pay your musical skills forward by teaching others you'll receive multiple ideas on how to make an income from a skill you already have.
  • How to create passive income from your original music. Replicate my friend's success that's generated over $60,000 in sales for him, all from short, original music he's created in his bedroom.

The Step by Step Mixing Method Works Even If You Don't Have All the Latest Plug-ins, Expensive Gear or a Pro Studio

If you think your mixes are just all right, but not quite there yet...and you want to improve your skills without  buying yet another plug-in, hiring expensive mixing engineers, or wasting even more time going down a Youtube rabbit hole, then Step By Step Mixing will get you there.

If you don't want to spend years demystifying the mixing process...or don't want to completely uproot and change your life to attend audio school to learn mixing, Step By Step Mixing will help you turn your hobby into the beginning of a freelance career.

If you need to transform your understanding of mixing to a whole 'nother level, without wasting years with trial and error mixing methods, Step By Step Mixing is the place to start.

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Get Better Mixes in Less Time With Step By Step Mixing

"refreshingly helpful in demystifying a topic that I’ve been trying to figure out for years. I thought I would have to completely change my life to attend audio school. But with Bjorgvin’s help, I have been able to turn a hobby into the beginning of a freelance career. THANK YOU!"

-Emily, Musician

"I’m a singer, songwriter, producer and now after reading this I’d finally call myself a mix engineer as well. This is truly a fantastic book for any new, aspiring or even seasoned mix engineers."

-Tino Grigoriou, Home Studio Musicianā€‹ā€‹ 

"Stop guessing, or struggling with trial and error methods. Clear concise, step by step, solid advice from a Professional whom is willing to share with you, his talents and experience. Great read at a fantastic price! Buy it Now, your mixes will improve. Read it a few times and your mixes will get even better, really!" 

-Dave Columbo, Mixing Engineer

Frequently Asked Questions

Have other questions? No problem! Just email [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

The 365-Day Iron-Clad Audio Issues 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee

As with all of the Audio Issues products, Step By Step Mixing comes with a 100% risk-free money-back guarantee.

I promise that following the workflow will help you create more professional mixes from your home studio. After reading them you'll know exactly what to do to transform your amateur demos into powerful and professional mixes.

There is a reason my students have told me that my training has "instantly improved their mixes." 

Your fans will love the new professional sounds you're releasing, and you'll impress every new client that comes to your studio because you'll easily show them how good you can make them sound.

You can even read the books and watch the videos before you make up your mind. You can try all the tricks and keep the training for a full year before deciding whether you like them or not. If at any point you decide that my training didn't skyrocket the quality of your productions, simply email [email protected] for a full refund, no questions asked nor strings attached!

I take my guarantee very seriously. I am not interested in keeping your money if you don’t learn anything from what I’m creating for you.

So if you’re not happy, I’m not happy. Simple as that.

Here's to improving your mixes!

Get Started With the Step By Step Mixing Process Right Now

  • Step By Step Mixing eBook: Enhanced PDF, audiobook and e-reader editions
  • Bonus #1: Better Mixes in Less Time eBook - The Productivity Playbook for Mixing Engineers ($7 Value)
  • Bonus #2: 5 Plug-in Mix Quickstart Video Series that shows you more mixing secrets in 30 minutes than 30 hours on Youtube ($49 Value)
  • Bonus #3: Mix Translation Masterclass to make your mixes sound good on every speaker ($19 Value)
  • Bonus #4: Home Studio Mastering Q&A to help you master your mixes like the pros ($100 Value)
  • Bonus #5: 70 Ways to Monetize Your Music Career Masterclass ($97 Value)
  • Bonus #6: Vocal Production Checklist, Links to over 100 multi-tracks to practice your mixes, and an in-depth EQ chart

Total Value $333

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If you scrolled all the way to the bottom and missed all of the juicy information on this page, here's a quick recap for you:

  • When I started out in audio, all of my mixes sounded terrible no matter what I did...
  • After 15+ years of working in the audio industry, going to audio school and mixing in pro and home studios, I created a fool-proof "Five Plug-in Framework" that helped me finish better mixes in less time.
  • I wrote this proven process down in my book, "Step By Step Mixing: How to Create Great Mixes Using Only 5 Plug-ins" and it's helped more than 20,000 musicians, producers and engineers to date instantly improve their mixes.
  • For only $7 you can get the same results from my book, and I'm also throwing in my video masterclasses and exclusive bonuses to help you take your mixes and music career to the next level.

In short, if you want to make awesome mixes in your home studio that translate to every speaker system, whether you're working on demos for your band or mixing records for your clients, grab Step By Step Mixing right now.

You'll learn simple-to-use, practical mixing techniques that help you get better mixing results immediately, using the five plug-ins you already have in your DAW.

Here's to helping you make your next mix your best mix!

Björgvin Benediktsson, Audio Issues

About the Author

Björgvin Benediktsson is an Icelandic-American author, audio educator, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of where he has taught thousands of musicians and producers how to make a bigger impact with their music. Björgvin has been an audio engineer since 2006 and has worked with hundreds of artists as an audio engineer, mentor, and educator.

He is the author of multiple books, including the best-selling book Step By Step Mixing which simplifies complex audio jargon and transforms insecure musicians into confident mixing engineers. He has written over 1,000 articles on audio production and his training has been featured in publications such as MusicTech magazine, The Huffington Post, The Recording Revolution, SAE Institute, and Audiotuts+ to name a few.

As the founder of Audio Issues, Björgvin helps home studio musicians and project studio producers make a greater musical impact in their lives by teaching them the skills needed to grow their hobbies and careers. We do this by offering simple and practical music production and success skills they can use right away to level themselves up - while rejecting negativity and gear-shaming from the industry.

When he's not helping entrepreneurs, audio engineers, and other creatives, he likes to hang out with his wife, daughter, and dog in Tucson, AZ, play video games, and read comic books